mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul
m i n d
self-care for the mind

peaceful meditation: a few minutes of daily meditation can help calm your brain signal transmission which helps relieve feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety.

mix it up: take one part of your daily routine and do it in a different way. take a different route to work, treat yourself to a new drink at your favorite coffee shop, or wear a bright color that you normally wouldn't. exercise your mind by mixing up your "normal".

kick out the negative: purposely take time to go through your personal social media sites and remove any negative people or accounts that you follow. you can make your online environment happier, healthier, and more enjoyable.

something for you: at least once a week, do one simple thing that makes you happy. for example, try a new recipe or read a site with hilarious jokes.

fix the little things: we all have small annoyances in life (a drawer that doesn't close, a lost button, or a burned-out lightbulb). take a moment to fix the little things and remove the annoyances for good.
mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul