mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul
b o d y
self-care for the body

deep breathing: take five deep, full breaths at least once a day – and better yet, several times throughout the day for a calming and rejuvenated effect.

take a stretch: go for a few minutes of stretching exercises first thing in the morning to help get the blood flowing and to rejuvenate the body.

check your posture: you may not consciously think about the alignment of your shoulders, head, and back very often, but straightening your posture can help you feel more confident and help increase blood flow as well as create more efficient use of your muscles.

work up a sweat: one of the best actions you can take for your body is exercise. whether you’re headed to the gym or getting a workout in at home, regular exercise can help you maintain a strong, vibrant body.

get in a good soak: taking a relaxing bubble bath (organic bath salts, please) can help your muscles and mind relax and calm down. for added effect, throw in some high quality epsom salt to help detoxify an acidic body pH.
mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul       mind       body       soul